Friday, 3 December 2010

Buscan fama y fortuna

Isaiah White senior was born in the Royal Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, England on 11th June 1826.  He was one of seven children born to George White and Alice Lewis. He was baptised on 9th July 1826 in Littledean Parish Church in the Forest.  His father George was a carpenter, and at the time of the 1841 National Census in England he and his family had moved to Maesteg, Glamorganshire, Wales.  George's two eldest sons John and George were carpenters like their father, but Thomas, William, Isaiah and Isaac all worked in the local Maesteg Ironworks as Engineers.  The only daughter Mary was at home.

Littledean Parish Church, Forest of Dean

Many stories are told in England of men going to seek work and their fortune, perhaps in America, but none seem to be told where the destination was Spain.  However, a little research shows that Andalucia in Southern Spain received many immigrants from various countries.  Jacob Chivers made his fortune after purchasing a lead mine near Cartegana, and then returned to Wales to purchase an ironworks near Kidwelly, and became a major employer and benefactor in the town.  Inspired by such stories, no doubt,  Isaiah set sail for Spain around 1850 to seek his own fortune.  He became Isaias White and was seemingly very successful, eventually becoming a Spanish citizen. 



  1. Una pregunta señora White;
    ¿Quien es Adolfo Corveto?
    ¿Que nos puede informar de él?

  2. Saludos A Ramirez! Tengo informacion en un nuevo blog.

  3. I would like to contact you regarding Isaiah Senior’s time in Seville, I have just brought a house there and it looks like he lived there and I am trying to find out more....

    1. Hi Andrew
      We have done quite a lot of research into Isaias' life in Seville. What is the address of the house that you have bought - we will try and give you a bit of history.
      Richard & Valerie

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    4. Dear Richard and Valerie,
      My wife is a relative of Isaiah White but until the last few days was unaware of him. Surprisingly she lived as a child some 50 yards from Crown Road at Broadawel. We would love to see your book.
      Kind Regards
      Mike and Angharad Rees or

  4. My wife's relatives The White family ….The Maesteg connection how the family intermarried with the Waldin's and the Walters families....
