Saturday, 4 December 2010

Isaias White comienza una nueva vida en Espana

I am trying to piece together the life of the White family in Spain, and dear blog reader anything that you know, or can direct me to, would help. Also this brief history of an Englishman in Spain may be interesting to you.  

It is thought that Isaias arrived in Spain in about 1850 after the Maesteg Ironworks in Wales closed sometime after 1847, although I have no formal record.  It seems likely that he did not go straight to Sevilla as 1890 records show him then as having been in Sevilla for 35 years - since only 1855.  It is likely that the picture below was taken sometime after 1890.  He looks a very stern figure. 

Isaias White

After a few years it seems that he was in partnership with Adolfo Corvelo (Corveto?) with offices at Plaza de Villasis, 4, and so was likely then living in Sevilla.  Together they were running a Shipping Company with perhaps just one steamship - the flagship Adela.  Did the Isaias White Company build this ship? Was this the name of a daughter who was the eldest, or who had died?  Later on it is likely that  the Portilla family put money into the partnership and it became Portilla and White with offices near Plaza de Armas. 

Was this the steamship Adela?

Perhaps around 1860 Isaias met his future wife - Maraquita (Maria) Luisa Mendez of Almaden born about 1840 - and they were to settle down in Sevilla and have a family. 

I hope dear blog reader that you will be able to add to this very brief information or put it right if it is wrong!  I am a long way away in England and do not have access to any local records - I would just say that Isaias was my distant uncle!

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